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Essay on untouchability

Essay on untouchability

essay on untouchability

Jul 11,  · Essay On Untouchability For Class 4 Students In Easy Words – Read Here. Class 4 students often face problems with their studies. In their 10th standard, they have to write an essay on Untouchability (a subject) with a minimum of words. The problem is that some classes have to spend as much as 30 to 40 hours in the classroom, rotating Jul 26,  · Essay on the Untouchability – The practice of ‘untouchability’ is a stigma attached to the Hindu society. It is an age-old one. It has its roots deep down in our social and religious system. Gandhiji regarded this practice as “a leper wound in the whole body of Hindu politic”. He even considered it as “the hate fullest expres­sion of caste.” Jan 31,  · Essay On Untouchability For Students – Read Here. essayavenue. January 31, Essay. Comments. India is a good democracy country in the world. But today also there are some people who really practice some kind of unbelievable things

Untouchability Research Papers - blogger.com

Since ancient times, Indian society has practized the caste system. There are four castes. The Brahmins stand at the top. They were teachers and advisors to the king. Then came Kshatriya who were warriors and kings. Those dealing in trade were called Vaishyas. Those indulging in farming and manual work were called Sudras.

The caste system originated in the need for division of labour. So, essay on untouchability were no strict rules in beginning. There are many persons who rose to the upper classes by dint of the profession they adopted. Vishwamitra was born in a Kshatriya family but became a Brahmin through mediation. He came to be known as Maharishi. But, with the passage of time, the caste system became very strict, essay on untouchability.

Caste came to be determined by birth and not by profession, essay on untouchability. One born to Brahmin parents became a Brahmin, no matter what is essay on untouchability profession. Thus, those born in low castes came to be looked down upon, essay on untouchability. This gave birth to mutual hatred. The people of the upper classes came to regard those doing humble work as untouchables.

It is not known when the practice of untouchability began. But this practice is very old. The untouchables are kept at a distance by the members of the higher castes.

They are not allowed to draw water from the common village well. They are not allowed to visit temples. They are not allowed to share tables at a hotel. They are not allowed to sit nearby. They are not even allowed to cast their shadow on persons of higher castes. In a nutshell, they are given very inhuman treatment. In the South and East of India, the problem of untouchability is very acute.

Many social and religious reformers in India have spoken essay on untouchability this evil. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first Indian social reformer in modern times to speak against untouchability, essay on untouchability.

Swami Dayanand preached vehemently against this practice. Mahatma Gandhi continued efforts throughout his life propagating against this evil.

He mixed with them, dined with them. He made every effort to raise their status in society. It is he who called them Harijans, the off-springs of God. The government of India has passed a law against untouchability. Any person indulging in its practice can be prosecuted. But, we find that law alone is not enough. We should make consistent and rigorous efforts to weed out this evil. We should educate the people. We should raise public opinion against this evil practice that divides a man from another man.

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essay on untouchability

TOPIC: Essay on Untouchability by Mahatma Gandhi Assignment When looking at Gandhi's argument that untouchability was a man made concept Gandhi's arguments are supported by some experts who track the colonial desire of understanding through labeling and classification foreign cultures Aug 26,  · August 26, by Essay Writer. Mahatma Gandhi was highly grieved about the caste system that characterised Indian society. But it was untouchability that particularly pained him. All his life, he worked hard at eradicating this heinous practice from its very roots. He drew sharp distinction between caste and varna. Varna was based on profession Essay on Untouchability Long Essay on Untouchability. Untouchability is a practice, in which some lower-caste people are denied social equality History of Untouchability in India. To understand the practice of Untouchability it is important to

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