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Why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay

Why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay

why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay

Feb 05,  · Under current fitness standards based on age and gender, my thirty-seven-year-old former platoon sergeant must run two miles in to pass with the minimum sixty points. But if one of our twenty-year-old privates were to take that long, he would score only twenty-seven points and fail Mar 01,  · Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered? Is Drinking and Driving Still a Problem for Teenagers? Should the Legal Age to Purchase Tobacco Be Raised From 18 to 21? Oct 16,  · Opinion Essay Topics for High School Students. Should parents stop helping their children at the age of 18? Why or why not? What are your thoughts on the current drinking age in the United States? Should it be lowered? Should there be limits to freedom of speech? Why or why not? Was the current Covid outbreak handled effectively?

30 Opinion Essay Topics | blogger.com

Micah Ables It took the US infantry fifty-five years and thousands of deaths to abandon the idea of trench warfare. It took the US cavalry twenty-five years to accept that armored tanks were better than horses against why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay machine gun. It took America more than years to declare that men and women should have equal voting rights. Women serving in combat roles is no exception: implementation and standards should be addressed, but the policy aim is right.

While I agree with many of her premises and beliefs, I disagree with her conclusion. They need to fix their standards problem. But an average is no reason to categorically ban a population. I am slimmer and slighter why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay most of my infantry peers, a problem many female infantry aspirants also face.

Upon commissioning, I weighed pounds; I soon tore my shoulder labrum while grappling in training with soldiers thirty to seventy pounds heavier. Pressing forward, I went to Ranger School, which I flunked after contracting pneumonia. As soon as I was medically cleared to start walking, I ran to Airborne School before eventually returning to complete Ranger School.

Years later, I assumed company command with Achilles tendinitis and a partially torn bicep, but I did not let that stop me from leading my company on runs, on ruck marches, and in combat training. Physical injuries are part of the job, part of pushing and trying to meet a standard. Some people, regardless of gender, handle the strain of combat and training better than others. And yes, as she points out, medical bills for combat-battered bodies are expensive.

God forbid she ever sees the medical bills for my platoon sergeant, who nearly lost both his legs in an IED blast, or those of double-amputee Capt. Nick Vogtor the cost of treating Lance Corp. For all those willing to lay down their lives and batter their bodies in combat to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, we should be grateful to pay those bills. We are not alone in that sentiment. But, again, this is a standards problem—not a women-in-combat-arms problem.

What gender-neutral Army standards exist were not created to qualify more women, as Mac Donald claims; they were designed to ensure that standards were not lowered just to qualify more women. Ranger School, for instance, is one of the few places in the Army that has always had single, and thus gender-neutral, standards—because there, the standards are tied to combat tasks, not arbitrary age- or gender-based goals.

Mac Donald points out that only two out of thirty-six women have passed Marine infantry officer training. Similarly, only three out of the first nineteen women to attempt Ranger School passed.

To me, this demonstrates that gender-neutral standards work. Instead, the opposite is true. At times, male Navy SEAL candidates have faced percent pass rates at their initial training; it is not unusual for more than half of an all-male Ranger School class to fail the initial physical fitness assessment, and some classes have seen pass rates drop as low as 35 percent; all-male Army Special Forces training consistently hovers around a percent pass rate, why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay.

Under current fitness standards based on age and gender, my thirty-seven-year-old former platoon sergeant must run two miles in to pass with the minimum sixty points. But if one of our twenty-year-old privates were to take that long, he would score only twenty-seven points and fail. Yet we were all expected to carry the same weapons, perform the same tasks, and go on the same patrols in Afghanistan. And yes, the current physical fitness standards for women are even more why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay than for old men.

The current standards for anyone to enter combat arms are not sufficient. I once had a male soldier, fresh out of all-male infantry basic training, fall out of a ruck march after less than a quarter mile with only thirty-five pounds of weight on his back—thirty-five pounds which the Platoon then had to carry for the next eight miles.

I also led a company ruck march where two male soldiers fainted and one male noncommissioned officer outright quitwhile one female soldier refused to stop walking even as she wheezed through an asthma attack. The solution to these problems is to create appropriate, realistic, age- and gender-neutral standards for combat arms—not to ban any entire demographic group because there is a weak standard in place.

Oh the horror! But seriously, will there be inappropriate fraternization like sexual liaisons, rivalries, and breakups that undermine team bonding? It was handled according to Army Regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice—the standard—and the company moved on, learning and rebuilding trust as we went. I was serving as a young platoon leader at Fort Campbell when accusations arose of a male squad leader who was repeatedly using his rank to coerce numerous subordinate soldiers into sexual liaisons in his all-male unit during a combat deployment.

The fallout stemming from that situation certainly harmed their fighting force. This is nothing new ; problems arising from power imbalances, sexual liaisons, rivalries, why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay, and breakups have been present in militaries for millennia—long before women joined the combat arms.

As a commander, my concern with fraternization is not solely about sex ; that issue is just one part of a larger problem across the Army. I also expect my soldiers not to beat their spouses or drive drunk; does that mean we should ban marriage or driving in combat units?

Of course not. It just means we need to do a better job enforcing standards and discipline. Policies should never be aimed at reaching a quota or making a press release. This is why I believe that the right women should continue to serve in combat arms roles under age- and gender-neutral, combat-focused standards. I wish I had had a female soldier with me in Afghanistan when an Afghan woman approached me begging for help.

Armed males menacingly gathered around to heckle and began physically harassing her for talking to me; I tried to help, but the more I tried, the worse it got. If I had had a female soldier with me, that situation might have ended very differently. Are there females in my company who are overweight or cannot pass a fitness test or do a buddy drag or complete a ruck march or finish an obstacle course?

Yes, unfortunately. Are there also males in my company who are overweight or cannot do these things? Is that a problem? But there are also several stars—of both genders—that pull more than their fair share of the weight. Though we encounter myriad obstacles, my first sergeant and I work ceaselessly to train and improve the soldiers that cannot meet the standard and dismiss the soldiers from the Army if they are ultimately unable to do so. Women can and do bring different skills and perspectives to the table and often approach problems differently.

Some women have proven themselves able to demonstrate leadership and articulate new ideas better than some of their male counterparts. Women like Capt. Shaye Haver or Capt. But they can meet the standard; why ban them from doing so? Changing a culture is never without headache or heartache.

Racial integration of the Army was not easy, either—it had more than its fair share of stutters and missteps, from social isolation to all-black units to segregated facilities. But flawed standards and imperfect implementation are not good reasons to scrap worthy policies.

He previously served as a platoon leader and executive officer in an all-male heavy weapons company with the st Airborne Division during a deployment to Afghanistan. He is a graduate of Ranger, Airborne, and Air Assault schools.

Follow him on social media: mableswrites. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, Department of the Army, or Department of Defense. Will deter recruiting as well. There are higher and better uses of most women in the military or peripheral roles. No matter the appealing aspects of citations within this article, we will nearly always fall behind the men who qualify and do not suffer the injuries and time consuming issues both lesser men and most women will frequently.

Even if there are less-risky job opportunities for her, let her do it, why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay. At the end, almost every job sector is equivalently important and necessary.

And having both males and females engaged in every profession and sector possible is really necessary specially when they have the ability to do it. Because even though females are weaker in case of handling physical and mental load than males, males fall down sometimes and need help as well.

This article talks about facts. Because when needs changes, rules related to it have to change too. And having both males and females engaged in every profession and sector possible is really necessary, why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay. Yea but if you're a man who falls down and needs help, to get out of harms way on a battlefield for example, you'd prefer a mans strength.

Define worthy. Which in most normal jobs it doesn't. But this is about the military. Training soldiers is an investment in American time and resources. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to properly train an infantryman. It is a life and death job and the highest standards of fitness should be expected because that means life and death not only for the soldier, but for their whole platoon.

It means they move slower, louder, or need to have their gear carried by others who will be overburdened and potentially injured because the unfit is not pulling their weight. Pregnancy is also an issue, why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay. You have women joining the infantry, they are in their physical prime and they are very fertile. So are men. When a man gets someone pregnant, he can still do his job. If a woman gets pregnant, she is sidelined for at least a year.

What if 2 months before deployment, a female platoon sergeant at 29, gets pregnant? She has worked hard, developed her body and her platoon to work as a well why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay machine, and now due to off-duty activities better be off duty activity she is now non-deployable and cannot lead her platoon in combat. Now the platoon deploys without a critical leader who everyone depends on.

She has to sit back in the rear on light duty while her people fight and die without her. Now what about the rest of her career? Pregnancy is hell on the body and even after giving birth she has maternity leave, so we are at over a year of her not acting as an Infantry leader, only doing light PT.

She has not been leading her soldiers.

Why the drinking age should not be lowered

, time: 5:07

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why the drinking age should be lowered to 18 essay

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